UNL Graphic Design
Capstone 2021

“Once Gone, They’re Gone FOREVER.”

Emily Dennis 


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Animal Posters

Show Description

The theme for my Capstone is, “Once Gone, They’re Gone.” In my show I made a series of nine posters of different endangered animals. Each poster is hand drawn then, scanned into the computet. After the posters were scanned in I started to collage on top of each drawing. Each peice of the collage was hand cut and scanned in. But in each poster I put in an object or something the represents the reason why that animal is going extincted. I chose to do endangered animals becuase I love animals and have also have had a passion for them. Each animal is beautiful in it’s own way and bring beauty to the world. 

Type Poster

This typography poster was done by hand on the letter press. This poster took over eight hours start to finish. I had to pickout each letter, and set the spacing all by hand. I would like to say thank you to Karen Kunc at Constellation Studios for allowing me to use her studio and teaching me how to use the letter press. Following is the process photos for making the poster. 
Type Poster Process

Process Work
These are a couple of the drawings before they were scanned into the computer. 

Here are all the cut-outs I did for the posters.

 Show Set up

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